Colin Buchanan, Australia’s number one kids’ Christian artist, joined The Long Lunch with Steve D to chat about his brand new album Old Testament Sing-a-long – the 20th album in his remarkable series of Aussie Praise albums.

”Sometimes it sounds like a kids album for grown ups, sometimes it’s like a grown ups album for kids!” – Colin

“Sometimes it sounds like a kids album for grown ups, sometimes it’s like a grown ups album for kids,” Colin said.

“I love that my career has given me the opportunity to play across such a broad range of styles and such a wide audience. It’s actually really rare, to be able to record and perform for families.

“Ultimately, the message of this record is about a family, a community. These are songs that tell of the Almighty God who called Abraham and created a community, a believing nation that one day, through faith, be made up of a gathering no person can number, made up from every tribe and tongue, all under the Lord Jesus. It doesn’t get any broader than that! I reckon it’s certainly worthy of a good old Old Testament sing-a-long!”

Order your copy of Old Testament Sing-A-Long now at

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