Salt 106.5 Weekends - Salt 106.5

Salt 106.5 Weekends

Salt 106.5 Weekends

Enjoy a fun and informative weekend lineup with Salt 106.5

Saturday Afternoon with Ceal


Ceal is passionate about Christian community radio and has seen first-hand how life changing it can be during her time working in radio.


She was born and raised on the Sunshine Coast. Absolutely loves it here and enjoys the opportunity of being able to brighten up your day with a variety of music and some fun content, both local and from around the world.

Ceal loves coffee, enjoys working in a local roastery during the week. She is passionate about healthy living, movement and loves getting outside on the weekends, exploring our beautiful Sunshine Coast.

Sunday Brunch with Nato


Nato’s passion is his faith and desire to make a positive impact in people’s lives. He’s an all-round good bloke. Be caught up in his enthusiasm and mix of inspiring and entertaining music every Sunday.


Originally from Adelaide, Nato moved to the Sunshine Coast more than a decade ago and absolutely loves it here.

Nato is a family man with a wife and son, he’s an owner/operator of a coffee shop at Maroochydore, a staff member of Youth with a mission (YWAM) and your Sunday late morning/early arvo host. He approaches each with equal gusto and fervour.

He also is an avid surfer and like many others on the coast, loves to hit the water

Weekend Reading

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