Jesus said in John 14 – Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.

Key Points

  • Being confident in yourself is a good thing, but it is better to place your belief in a perfect and unchanging God who knows you fully, rather than to rely on yourself.

This verse came to mind for me during the screening of the blockbuster hit Inside Out 2. This discussion of belief was at the heart of the film.

Interestingly, the conversation continually fell short as it failed to mention God in the mix.

In this era, we desire for people to have a healthy self-confidence, which is a good thing.

Yet, to build our belief and confidence structure on our personal abilities and emotions will fail you in the long run.

Alternatively, to have a healthy and robust belief system based on the one who is perfect and unchanging, meaning God. This is when you may begin to realise that the only place to discover true belief is less in yourself and more in the God who created you. The one who truly knows you Inside and Out.

Article supplied with thanks to City Bible Forum. Russ Matthews is a film critic at City Bible Forum and Reel Dialogue. He has a passion for film and sparking spiritual conversations.

Feature image: Photo by Andra C Taylor Jr on Unsplash

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