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Listen: Breaking down the morning into sections and making sure we have time for ourselves can help bring calm to the chaos.
The morning rush can easily be the most stressful part of the day for parents.
Key points
- “It looks like getting myself ready first in the morning and then breaking the morning up into segments,” Kimberley said.
- “It’s important to have time for yourself as well,” Kimberley said.
- Hear the full conversation in the player above.
Youth Coach Kimberley Conicella is the founder of The Courage Edition, and she recently chatted with Salt 106.5’s Jordana about what we can do to reclaim our mornings.
“The mornings are definitely a struggle for us as well,” said the Sunny Coast mother of two; a one-year-old and a seven-year-old who has ADHD.
“What I’ve learnt with ADHD is, I do need to step it out with instructions, one at a time.
“It looks like getting myself ready first in the morning and then breaking the morning up into segments.
“Once I’m ready, I can then get the lunch boxes ready and then from there I have time with the kids.”
“It looks like getting myself ready first in the morning and then breaking the morning up into segments,” Kimberley said.
Kimberley uses this time to give instructions, one set at a time, rather than all at once. Getting her seven-year-old dressed may look like asking him to put on his shirt, then playing together for a few minutes before asking him to put on his shorts.
“It’s just one step at a time to get them to the door at 8.15 and in the car!” she said.
We’ve all been there – stressed out about running late and taking it out on the kids by loading them up with multiple instructions all at once.
“My son freaks out if I give him more than one instruction at time,” Kimberley said and added that a permanent ‘morning task list’ can be helpful for older kids.
“If you do have kids that are older and can read, that saves so much time for you, for them to just be ticking off whatever is on the fridge.”
“It’s important to have time for yourself as well,” Kimberley said.
Ideally, if we can get ourselves to bed earlier at night, it means we can get up earlier and have a moment to ourselves.
“It’s important to have time for yourself as well,” Kimberley said.
“We often forget that.
“If you can get up half an hour early, take the dogs for a walk or just have a cup of tea for yourself without the chaos.
“Anything to give you a moment to breathe before the chaos starts.”
Hear the full conversation in the listener above.
Feature image: Photo by CanvaPro
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