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Listen: Mornings with Fee catch up with Pip Kiernan, daughter of Clean Up Australia Day Founder Ian Kiernan
Get your friends, family and local community group together to make an impact that improves your environment. CLICK HERE to register your Clean Up Event.
We’ll send you a free starter kit that contains bags, gloves and everything you need to create a safe, fun and effective Clean Up.
We provide materials for individuals, families (2 adults, 2 children), groups of 10 and groups of 20 – as well as paper-work free kits or B.Y.O. Clean Up material options for those who want to cut down on waste.
If you’re in business you can get involved with the Business Clean Up on Tuesday the 2nd of March while schools are holding their clean up Day on Friday the 5th of March.
If you would like to join a location that has already organised an event then CLICK HERE and put in your postcode to find your nearest location.
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