Listen: Karl Faase, Jesus the Game Changer host joins Monrings with Fee and shares what we can expect from S3

The third season in the highly acclaimed Jesus the Game Changer series has launched, with 13 brand new episodes being released on the recently launched Olive Tree Media Watch+ Platform.

Jesus the Game Changer host Karl Faase joined Mornings with Fee to share more about what you can expect from “One Life at a Time”, Jesus the Game Changer season three.

Different in style and approach to previous series, focusing on the story of one or two guests and sharing in more detail these lives that Jesus has changed. They include Dr Billy Kim from South Korea, Maryam Rostampour and Marziyeh Amirizadeh who were jailed in Iran for distributing Bibles, Hassan John a church leader from Nigeria and Eddie Arthur a Bible translator from the UK.

Listen to full interview in the player above. 

“Our hope is that this third season will challenge and inspire viewers that God changes the world ‘one life at a time’. Each episode will encourage viewers as they learn from these incredible people and their remarkable stories,” – Jesus the Game Changer host Karl Faase

Jesus the Game Changers Season 3 available now on

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