Jessica Urlich’s book ‘Beautiful Chaos’ needs to come with an emotional trigger warning!

Key Points:

  • “We forget to say I love you out loud sometimes, but we have a language that we’ve developed in support instead; the ‘I love yous’ are still there” (Here’s to Us).
  • This book is a tool that all mothers need to get their hands on.
  • I give Beautiful Chaos 5 stars out of 5!

This book taps into the raw, complicated reality that is motherhood.

In short, Jessica’s writing makes women feel seen and understood.

Beautiful Chaos covers a few different aspects of this identity known as ‘mum’, ranging from the sleepless nights and teary eyed mornings of having a newborn, to the way her heart doesn’t just fill with love but rather it expands with love with every child she has, to messages for her husband – “We forget to say I love you out loud sometimes, but we have a language that we’ve developed in support instead; the ‘I love yous’ are still there” (Here’s to Us).

“We forget to say I love you out loud sometimes, but we have a language that we’ve developed in support instead; the ‘I love yous’ are still there” – Here’s to Us

This book is a tool that all mothers need to get their hands on.

It not only helps you feel validated in your experience, but it reminds us ever so gently, that we are not going through it alone.

Our experiences are not ‘unique’ but rather equally heartbreaking, strengthening, challenging and joyous!

Beautiful Chaos gives mothers permission to feel all the things.

This book is a tool that all mothers need to get their hands on.

“Yes, beautiful things can make you cry.” (Days of a Newborn – and they really are just days)

“The brightness of that rainbow will always outshine the grey, but it’s okay to talk about the grey, you should.” (From One Mom to a Mother)

Motherhood will bend you, break you and remould you into a brand-new person, but Jessica’s words cut through the fog and remind us that’s how it should be, and that it’s time we slow down, breathe in the sweet scent of our babies (even if they’re not so new anymore), and enjoy the miracle of today.

Pass this book on to every mother you know – they need to hear it too!

Pass this book on to every mother you know – they need to hear it too!

Jessica Urlichs currently lives in New Zealand with her husband and three children and has a collection of books filled with her beautiful poems.

I give Beautiful Chaos 5 stars out of 5.

It is beautifully written and will have you both sobbing and laughing with relief because you’re actually doing an amazing job!

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Beautiful Chaos, Brittany Garcia, photo taken and used with permission

Article written by Brittany Garcia. Brittany is the Community Relations Administrator at Hope 103.2. She has always had a love for reading and wants to encourage as many people as possible to discover the joy for themselves!

Book cover image supplied. Photo of Brittany used with permission. Background header image by CanvaPro

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