Listen: The Morning Wake-Up chat to Red Frogs Australia QLD State Director, Chris George about Schoolies plans this year

With official Schoolies Week 2020 plans cancelled by the Queensland Government, due to coronavirus restrictions, Red Frogs QLD state director Craig George says they’re gearing up for a big increase in the number of young people heading to the Sunshine Coast to celebrate. 

In this interview, The Morning Wake-up with Kristian & Eliza caught up with Craig George, Red Frogs Australia QLD state director, to chat about what Schoolies plans will look like this year, how we can keep young people and the local community safe, and the increase need for volunteers.

Listen to the interview above. 

To volunteer with Red Frogs at Schoolies 2020, visit

Red Frogs Australia work with over 1500 Red Frog volunteers to provide direct relief, safety and support to young people during Schoolies/Leavers Week across 16 locations. Volunteers act as the eyes and ears in accommodation venues and out on the streets, providing a positive peer presence to school leavers.

Red Frogs assist school leavers in many different ways, offering pancake cook-ups, room visits and games, room cleans, emotional support, walks homes and red frogs.



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