Momentum with Tim & Des - Salt 106.5

Momentum with Tim & Des

Momentum with Tim & Des

Momentum is the show that’s all about helping men succeed in life.

Listen to Momentum with Tim and Des every Sunday night from 10pm.

Timothy Charles and Des Kennedy both have a heart for God, and, in particular, a pastoral heart for men.

Des started and led Men’s Ministry in Hillsong Queensland which greatly impacted hundreds of men both inside and outside the church.  He met with many broken men and helped them through all sorts of situations.

Tim, who has a radio/broadcasting background, also has a heart for seeing men change and become a better version of themselves.

Tim and Des have established Momentum as a Christian Radio Ministry to men, to help them find faith in Christ, and also to find fellowship, camaraderie, openness, honesty, and support around other men in MoMENtum small groups.

The show will focus on all key aspects of manhood including subjects like, finding faith, dealing with pornography, drug abuse, depression, substance abuse, suicide, husbandhood, fatherhood, stewardship, work/life balance, etc.

The overall aim is to assist men to overcome the life circumstances facing them, to get alongside other men in their faith community, and start to live well in an atmosphere of care, camaraderie, trust, openness, confidentiality, and trustfulness.

For more information, podcasts and contact details check out the Momentum Australia website.

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