By: Susan Joy

Here’s a healthy snack that will spoil you for taste and sustain you. Macadamia nuts provide a creamy base to this smoothie, I’ve also used maca powder to add a malt/butterscotch flavour. Maca is packed with nutrients and known for increasing stamina and endurance.


1/3 cup macadamia nuts, soaked in hot water for 30 – 45 mins
200 ml filtered water, divided
1 – 2 Medjool date(s), pitted
1/2 sml banana(s)
2 tsp maca powder (raw organic)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract (organic)
1/2 tsp cinnamon, plus extra to sprinkle on top
1/4 tsp sea salt, or pink Himalayan salt
1 cup ice cubes


To make the macadamia nut milk: Drain the soaked nuts through a sieve and rinse well. Add the nuts and 100ml of the filtered water to a high-speed blender. Start on variable speed and incrase to high, blend for approximately 15 seconds. Scrape down the lid and sides of the blender jug.

Add the remaining 100ml of water, dates, banana, maca powder, vanilla, cinnamon, salt and ice. Blend on high for 15 – 18 seconds or until you reach a smooth and creamy consistency.

Pour into a glass or jar and sprinkle with a little cinnamon or maca powder.

Article supplied with thanks to The JOYful Table.

About the Author: Susan Joy is author of The JOYful Table cookbook containing gluten & grain free, and Paleo inspired recipes for good health and well being.

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