By: Rachel Doherty

Coping skills are those things we do to manage stress and anxiety. Sometimes they help us and sometimes they don’t. The trick is to find strategies that not only help you cope with a crisis, but carry you through it as well.

I’ve published a list of 40 coping skills that work well with kids already. While some of these are great for adults, I thought it was worth putting together a list of more grown up ideas.

Part of the process of redefining myself has been working out some new coping strategies for this stage of my life. You’ll find plenty of them listed below, so trust me, they work!

“It’s not stress that kills us, it’s our reaction to it.” – Hans Selye

Here’s 40 coping strategies adults can use to manage stress and anxiety:

1. Go for a walk
2. Listen to some music
3. Have a bubble bath
4. Play solitaire
5. Take a nap
6. Sip a coffee in the park
7. Do something creative – draw or colour in, knit or build something with your hands
8. Pull something apart that needs fixing
9. Go stargazing
10. Paint a wall
11. Watch some funny animal clips
12. Take some deep breaths and listen to the sound it makes
13. Write a letter
14. Declutter a room
15. Do a workout
16. Listen to an inspiring podcast
17. Plan your all-time best holiday ever
18. Phone an aunt or cousin
19. Get a massage
20. Play an instrument
21. Clean out your wardrobe and give what you don’t want to charity
22. Write a card to a friend
23. Do a mindless chore
24. Buy a bunch of flowers
25. Watch some videos to start a new hobby
26. Squeeze a stress ball
27. Do some gardening
28. Call a friend
29. Give someone a hand
30. Start a puzzle
31. Do some stretching or join a class
32. Watch a movie
33. Write your thoughts in a journal
34. Do a crossword or wordsearch
35. Cook something to share
36. Light a scented candle and watch the flame dance
37. Head to the beach, the mountains or a national park
38. Listen to a mindfulness app, like Smiling Minds
39. Get a facial or manicure
40. Visit a museum or gallery

coping skills for adults

Of course, this is just the start of what you could do. Coping strategies are endless, and it’s about finding the ones that work for you.

Article supplied with thanks to Tweens 2 Teen.

About the Author: Rachel Doherty helps those living and working with young people, through supervision, coaching, speaking and consulting.

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