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Listen: Ashton, DV Safe Phone, chats with Mornings with Fee about how your phone can save a life
Often when victims of domestic violence are considering escape, the perpetrator will confiscate their mobile phone or destroy it when they question who their partner has been talking to or texting. Likewise many who do move into safe houses, arrive with nothing but the shirt on their back – or worse, arrive with phones that have been cloned or have tracking software on them so their abusive partner can follow their every move.
So, during lockdown in 2020, Ashton decided to make a difference and launched DV Safe Phone to receive, test, and GIVE your old phone to those who need it the most so they can have access to communication when they most desperately need it.
You can take your old, working phone (and charger if you have it) to;
- Any King IT store in Queensland
- Any Jeep Dealership in Australia
- Post it to: DV Safe Phone, PO Box 1440 Mooloolaba QLD 4557.
Don’t forget to clear it, delete all personal data, photos etc and set it to the factory reset.
For more information visit dvsafephone.org
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