If I don’t stack the dishwasher, I get in trouble. But if I do stack the dishwasher, my wife re-stacks it!

I can never get it right!

So I simply give up. Instead, I eat over the sink so there are no dishes to wash up.

Maybe it’s the same with us and God.

We know God wants us to be good people. But we can’t ever be good enough for this God.

So we give up.

Maybe we go to church once or twice, and hope God notices, and that will make up for what we haven’t done.

But that’s the wrong view of God.

We don’t have to make ourselves good enough for God. It’s the other way around. God makes us good enough for him.

So stop trying to be good enough for God. Because it will be too hard – we will soon give up.

Instead, we need to humble ourselves, give ourselves to God. He loves us just the way we are. But he’s also going to make us into the person he wants us to be.

A person who doesn’t re-stack their partner’s dishes.

Luke 18:9-14

About the Author: Sam is a theologian, preacher, author, evangelist, ethicist, cultural analyst and medical doctor.

Article supplied with thanks to Espresso Theology.

Feature image: Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash 

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