Can philosophy tell us who we are?

Key Points

  • The renowned philosopher Rene Descartes once famously quoted ‘I think therefore I am’ – leading to our modern understandings of consciousness and existence. Many don’t know however, that his famous quote was inspired by his faith in God.

Social media allows us to show people the self we want them to see. Our society even believes that we can recreate ourselves – change jobs, identities, even our name or gender.

But how do we know who we are?

Well, renowned philosopher Rene Descartes thought that you could know who you are by understanding God. Descartes’ famous phrase ‘I think therefore I am’ resolved his anxieties about his existence.

What many people don’t know is that he was only able to do this because he believed that God was trustworthy.

Psalm 139 tells us that God knit us together in our mother’s womb and He has mapped out all of our days. Because of this, we can know that we are valuable and loved by the God who made us. With God, we can know who we are.

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