There needs to be trials and troubles that befall you. Without a doubt we can make a case based on scripture that trials and troubles will beset you in life. I was really struck by this passage…
In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. – 1 Peter 1:6
We can, and might from elsewhere in scripture make the case that we can find joy in suffering, that it is possible to endure hardship, persecution and suffering and find a deep inexpressible joy in those moments.
Yet not from this passage.
We might be a person who behaves in the most profoundly encouraging ways when we endure hardship. One that stands in testimony to the goodness of God even though we suffer a lot. We might find ourselves standing strong with a deep sense of joy even though everything seems to fall down around us.
We’ve learned and know that God is good, that we have a new hope, and history has taught us that God has purpose in the suffering. We’ve read Romans, we’re well versed in Paul. We know that a resilience from God has enabled us to stand firm. We learned from past suffering and now to stand with strength.
This passage though suggests something very different. The first part is similar, there will come a day when you will greatly rejoice. In fact you might now have reached that moment of celebratory joy.
Though Now
In the now you are in grief. Sadness abounds, the dark grey cloud of grief looms large and you feel only sadness and hurt. In trials you feel the misery of life. You feel the weight and burden of all the hurts and suffering your trials bring.
This passage is for the moment when you are so stricken, that all you wish to do is lay in bed and not get up. When the world’s weight is so large that you want to subside under a blanket and cry the pain away.
It’s the refinery’s fire.
The moment of growth for faith, not a moment to run, but to endure. In tears and sadness you know there will be a day when joy will happen again. This passage is for the person who needs to be reminded to endure in life’s toughest of moments when misery reaches them at full force.
Jesus is there.
You will emerge.
Do not flee, but push into God.
Once the storm has passed you will greatly rejoice with a stronger faith than you have ever had before.
Article supplied with thanks to Duncan Robinson.
About the Author: Duncan Robinson is a radio host, pastor, husband and father of two.
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