Listen: Author, speaker and now Pastor Abdu Murray speaking on Mornings with Fee about his faith journey from Islam to Christianity

For most of his life, Abdu Murray was a proud Muslim and acclaimed lawyer in the US.

With a heart to seek out truth and to disprove Christianity, Abdu set out on a rigorous scholarly investigation to debunk the notion that Jesus was divine and that he rose from the dead. 

To his dismay, he discovered there was more evidence to prove the claims of Christianity than that of his own faith. Although, it would be a further nine years before he could admit that truth, as it shook the very foundations upon which he had built his life and identity. 

Abdu is now a scholar, apologist, author and speaker and also the senior vice president of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM). Mornings host Fee asked him to share his journey to faith and the catalyst that turned his belief system upside down. 

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