Have ever wondered what determination and resilience would look like in human form? Well, here’s a pretty good guess: Nigerian-born and South African-raised, creative entrepreneur, Moyin Oloruntoba.

The pioneer of her own media career during a time where it wasn’t the norm to do so, Moyin knows a thing or two about living with a mission and never giving up.

“I knew from a very young age that my life is not my own. Everything I’ve ever wanted to achieve or any big decision I’ve ever had to make, I always took it to God,” she says.

From this foundation, Moyin birthed The A1 Productions, home of one of the most recognized YouTube channels in South Africa. Moyin had a conviction early on that she wanted to live a life that impacted and served young people; her career up until now has certainly stayed true to that desire. Through her channel, she has initiated conversations around pop culture that are thought-provoking and inspiring for many.

Moyin has been very intentional in her career to always model what she has learnt through her relationship with Jesus:

“My prayer everyday is, ‘God please guide me’, and I always try my hardest to go where He leads me.”

“Navigating the entertainment industry has been quite an interesting challenge for me because every day is so different and I certainly did not do it alone. My prayer everyday is, ‘God please guide me’, and I always try my hardest to go where He leads me.”

She has earned great respect from not only her followers but also her industry colleagues. Moyin believes the integrity she has exampled in her life has impacted the people around her in this way. She does not let the fast-paced culture in her field influence her, but rather sees it as an opportunity to influence the culture for Jesus.

In the next phase of her career, Moyin is intentionally shifting her attention to creative productions by her church’s youth ministry, bringing her influence and skills into this sphere.

“I am very excited about this new phase of my life as I believe the arts is a very powerful tool.”

“We are going to be using the arts to bring people to Jesus by creating evangelistic productions. I am very excited about this new phase of my life as I believe the arts is a very powerful tool. In the Bible, Saul called on David to play a song for him when an evil spirit tormented him, and he would feel better!”

We each have unique skills and passions that, when offered to God, He uses to reveal Himself to others. Moyin has exampled this daily surrender in her own life and we can be encouraged to do the same.

Article supplied with thanks to The Journey by yesHEis. yesHEis provides various resources to help share your faith in relatable ways.

Feature image: Portrait, Supplied

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