Listen: Prioritise your relationship and give yourself opportunities to connect, rather than disconnect during busy times of the year.

December has a bit of a reputation for being tough on relationships. But there’s hope! By taking a moment to intentionally connect, you’ll avoid the pitfalls of the silly season.

Relationship expert and neuropsychotherapist Joanne Wilson says that according to some albeit flimsy Facebook research, there is a spike in relationship statuses being changed to ‘single’ in the leadup to Christmas, Easter and Valentines Day. And while it’s not necessarily something to take too seriously, it’s important to care for your relationship during seasons of busyness and potentially difficult family situations.

Here are Joanne’s top tips on fool proofing our relationships at this time of year:

Don’t panic

Spend a couple of moments together every day focusing on being grateful. The mental health benefits of intentional gratitude are huge! And remember: peaks and troughs are normal for every relationship. By creating a rhythm of gratitude, you’re helping make sure you’re able to anticipate the season with joy.

Discuss expectations

When expectations are unknown, it’s the perfect opportunity for disappointment and resentment to build. Have a chat about what your expectations are as individuals, to make sure you’re both understanding what each person is looking for. And while not all expectations can be fulfilled, by discussing them, everyone is given the opportunity to be heard and understood.

Take a moment

Make space for some quiet and alone time. Don’t be offended if your partner wants to spend some time alone. If they’re looking for some prayer or meditative time alone, that’s actually a good thing.

Be selective

Be fussy about your social time and selective about which invitations you accept. You don’t need to say yes to everything – pick the environments that are going to be helpful to you both.

Share a goal

Take some time to chat about 2024 – and think about what you can potentially enjoy together in the new year. Set some goals, both short term and long term, to create a little bit of excitement.

By prioritising your relationship, despite the hustle and bustle of life, you’re giving yourselves the opportunity to connect, rather than disconnect during busy times of the year.

Listen to the full conversation in the player above.

For more from Joanne Wilson tune in each Saturday from 12pm or find more from The Relationship Rejuvenator online.

Feature image: Photo by Canva Pro

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