When: Friday 1 October 2021 (International Day of Older Persons)

Time: 9am–12.30pm (registrations commence 8.30am)

Location: North Shore Community Centre, 701 David Low Way, Mudjimba QLD

Cost: $10 per person (plus booking fee of $1.64)

Suits: Over-50s

Bookings Essential – https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/food-for-thought-building-healthy-brains-together-tickets-166472897919


  • Nutrition has been linked to a 53 per cent potential reduction in Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Optimising mental and social activity reduces Alzheimer’s risk by 48 per cent
  • Nutrition reduces moderate-to-severe depression by 32 per cent
  • Lack of social connection and loneliness increases cognitive decline and the risk of developing dementia by as much as 20 per cent, and it has also been shown to be associated with an increased risk for premature death, similar to smoking, alcohol consumption and obesity
  • Meditation has been shown to offset age-related cognitive decline.

This COVID Safe event is a partnership between Sunshine Coast Council, the Healthy Ageing Partnership (HAP), USC and Home Instead.

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