Dive into the Christmas spirit by bringing your family and friends to Community Carols on the lawn at Maleny Baptist Church!

Kids will enjoy a walk around the Bethlehem Market Place where they can work with wood at Joseph’s Carpentry Shop, play with clay in the Pottery Shop or try some weaving at The Weavery.

It will be fun to decorate some Christmas cookies at the Bethlehem Bakery too.

Enjoy a FREE sausage sizzle, and line up the family at the photo booth to remember your experience.

Then find a spot on the grass for your BYO rug or chair and get ready to sing your favourite Christmas carols with music provided by The Salvation Army Band and others.

The Maleny Pioneer Village, across from the church, is kindly allowing parking for a small donation.

Please note the event will be held under cover if it rains.

This is a free event sponsored by Maleny churches.

Donated non-perishable goods for a Christmas hamper for the Neighbourhood Centre will be much appreciated.

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