The next date will be Wednesday the 11th of November 2020 and the group meets at the entrance to the reserve at the end of Ringtail Place, Parklakes Estate.
Each month, the group work towards restoring some of the degraded areas in this reserve by removing exotic species and planting local natives. The reserve is potential habitat for vulnerable fauna species such as Koalas and the near-threatened Fraser Island Creeper which occurs naturally within bushland close to the reserve. It provides a range of ecosystems and habitats for wildlife due to its elevation and three ephemeral gullies running through the reserve. An 800-metre walking track provides access to observe the wide variety of bird species as well as wallabies and reptiles.
Join the Bli Bli Working Bee if you enjoy the outdoors with the company of others, want to keep active and connect with nature and like to volunteer when it suits you. Our BushCare community volunteers their time to conserve and restore our Sunshine Coast bushland in the council’s environmental reserves. There are 40 groups across the Sunshine Coast who hold regular working bees. No commitment is required, and you can join-in where and when you can.
To head along to the next Bli Bli BushCare working bee email [email protected] or visit the WEBSITE
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